Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Residual Childhood Anxiety

Lady just asked me for the time while I was in line at Dunkin Donuts. I looked at my watch and felt a wave of terror wash over me. It's as if there's a little part of me that still remembers how it felt to NOT know how to tell time (on an analog watch with hour/minute hands). Whenever someone asks for the time, or for directions somewhere I get this momentary stage fright. I once had a girl ask me for directions to a professor's office after class and after she walked away I realized I'd sent her not just to the wrong office, but to the wrong building... like three blocks away. And this was only last Fall.

But this time I settled myself down and calmly said "Twenty after two." The lady thanked me, and I exited stage left with my coffee and my dignity.


Randy said...

Was the ladies' room to your left when you exited? 'Cause that would've taken your dignity right quick.

Pat said...

I've done that before. It's like: "the pressure's on. You better remember how to tell time". Then I stumble over whether to say "2:35" or "25 of 3". Actually,I say either of those regardless of what time it is. It's all I know. Really, whenever anyone even comes near you I say just run away.

Dave said...

Maybe in the future I'll just point to my watch and say "This? Oh, this is a birthmark. You thought it was a watch, right? I get that all the time."

Pat said...

Or you can say "It may take me a minute to calculate it in your Earth years."

Randy said...

I never wear a watch, so I never get asked for the time -- which really ticks me off. Just because I don't wear a watch doesn't mean I don't know what time it is. Does one have to wear a watch to be an authority on the time? Perhaps I do know the correct time. Maybe I happen to know the time more precisely than some bozo whose shiny, diamond-rimmed Chopard is running slow.

Okay, so I don't know any numerals beyond 7 and have yet to master the difference between AM and PM. But people don't have to be so exclusionary.

Dave said...

I'm actually quite good a guessing the time without a watch. I usually get it within 10-15 minutes of the actual time. I use my power to AMAZE MY FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES.

Randy said...

Had you been born a hundred years ago, P.T. Barnum would've made you an international star. You might even have been made into a Barnum's Animal Cracker.

Something to shoot for if you ever get that cardboard time machine of yours to work...

Pat said...

I can usually guess what day of the week it is within 3 days. Usually....sometimes I say something like "Fronday", which isn't a day at all.